

Domestic Violence
Tears flows from her eyes everyday,as she wonders how she got into the hands of a Beast. Her emotions suggest murder and her soul seeks for revenge,but she was just a weak soul that needs help. The wounds and the beaten increase each day and night and all she could get was just "am sorry". She dies inwardly while trying to make it work ,but all was in vain.She prayed and wail each night,and pillows get soaked. She was just a woman who was taught that a man is the head and owners of the home. But she was not taught that a woman could speak for herself in the times of trouble and domestic violence. All her life she has let the man do the talking while she listens but now she is feedup and wants to speak. She is tired of everything and wants her voice to be heard,she wants to be given a listening ear. She needs help and want the world to listen to her ,she wants to be free from the bondage. Who will help her?,who will free her from the pains?who will hear her cries and hold her in the hands of comfort? Now she has stand on her own,she has found her voice,but men says she rebels and the world against her. But she didn't care cause she wants to live,live for her kids,live for herself,live for her family. Say no to domestic violence,say no to men who just want to rule your life forgetting you have plans of your own.
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