

Embrace the uncertainty
Decide to go on a vacation,
that's when some catastrophe happens
and becomes the reason
for revocation.

Decide to meet a long lost friend,
something urgent comes up in the end
and becomes the reason
to fail that intend.

Decide to make a delicacy, unaware,
some ingredient is missing there
and becomes the reason
for disappointment to bear.

However much we try,
ten percent of the whole is uncertain.
Fortelling is a dicey buy,
coming to grips with it, is a good solution.

In life, the only thing certain
is uncertainty itself.
So, don't stick to the rules,
let unknown be delved from the shelf.

Let's appreciate the beauty of it,
keep space for chances to befit.
Let the angle of uncertainty unfold,
the vision of creator behold.

Uncertainty is a gift from universe.
It protects in ways numerous,
to safeguard us,
from anything malicious.

The magic of faith
works like a wonder.
Myriad of possibilities, it creates.
An extraordinary life awaits.

Each day is a new blank canvas.
Each step propelled with trust can thus,
unleash the treasure
and future is blessed beyond measure.

Let the curtains open
at the right time chosen.
Let's keep doing our work with devotion.
Pearl will emerge from the ocean.

Designed for our highest good,
gratefulness to be pursued.
Be open, blessings and miracles will hit.
Embrace the uncertainty, flow with it!!!

© Kshitija D.

#uncertainty #WritcoCommunity #motivational