

In the heart of twilight, when shadows softly play,
I drift back to the good old days, where memories gently sway.
A time of joy and innocence, where laughter knew no bounds,
Where every corner of our world was filled with wondrous sounds.

Long summer days that never seemed to end,
With golden sun and skies so blue, on which our dreams would depend.
Running through the meadows, with the wind against our face,
A carefree spirit guiding us, to every hidden place.

Winter nights by fireside, with tales and songs so sweet,
The warmth of family gathered 'round, made every night complete.
Snowflakes danced like fairies, beneath the moon’s soft glow,
Creating magic in our hearts, that only we could know.

Simple times, and simpler ways, where love was freely shared,
Where every moment held a peace, in knowing that we cared.
The laughter of our childhood friends, still echoes in my mind,
A symphony of golden days, that time cannot unbind.

Though years have passed and we have grown, those days are ever bright,
A beacon in the darkest times, a guiding, gentle light.
For in our hearts, the good old days remain forever near,
A timeless treasure, always ours, to cherish and hold dear.
© faintest_pen