

Somedays all you have to do is breathe
You do not have to show up as some happy person, a
a creature of joy.
somedays all you have to do is wake-up next to a green haired fairy and believe it's going to be a beautiful life. somedays all you have to do is wear undersized boots and twist the skeletons in your closet into earrings,
where them to a Halloween party.
some days all you need to do is wear black lipstick and pretend the Irish teenage boys are sad enough to yell stupid words at you and they are just kids.
some days all you have to do is pretend your ex wasn't a toxic person and you are not scared of them like you are of your mother, all you have to do is breathe.
sit on a couch in a house party and believe it's a beautiful life, you are already living.
The sky is grey and you are no longer unsafe,
Your body is yours and you deserve to live in it,
a song plays saying “I hope you have the time of your life”
and you whisper Amen
somedays all you have to do is breathe, you are 23 and life is just beginning.
you will be okay, it'll be a beautiful life
for today just BREATHE.
© Hope