

Primary colors
Yellow Red and Blue come together to make the plethora of colors we see physically
Three primary colors that liven up the world through our eyes
Yet even when looking through windows, all I see is the grays and blues
My sense of sight shrouded by memory scars

Looking back on being a child, Only a few memories remain
The occasional birthday party
The little bonding experiences
The moments of waiting
Feelings of loneliness
Fears of anger
Visions of beatings
Tears of betrayal

8 year old me lost, wandering in a void without comfort
Wanting to find the way home, yet there is no home to go to
Every place is dangerous, everywhere I look is threatening
Resorting to bottling it all away rather than telling even one soul
Skating around the idea of being stabbed in the back, just like before

The wind flutters the gray-green leaves as stark white clouds hang against a pale unsaturated cerulean sky.
Flowers in the garden sway, all in muted shades of pink and purple.
Asphalt blacker than before, concrete darker than ever

The windowsill cold and still
Sitting still in my pencil shaded clothing
#childhood #trauma #family #drawings #poem #poetry
© Rynne