

The time runs speedily,
The time swings closer,
Dresses in golden attire,
The hour calls for Messiah,
Grey pens tire wrappers,
Appears in scaring attires,
Like herbalist of one eyes,
In sweat to comb for new Messiah,
The neonate pens google high,
Expectations dance round the wall,
Combing for ways to run away,
Which way to bite off this bedbugs?
When would eyes read through the letters?
When would hands that craft the crown voice for the throne?
With their strong pen to fight,
To bring to light grin-light,
When would all grey pens tongue to build up this wall?
Is it when callow trousers and skirts stand a black wall?
Sketching a map of red war,
Like END-SARS of second war,
When no khaki nor corruption will be able to stands its war.
As fall of Jericho's wall

My lips preach to grey pens,
When the wall falls
Prey pens' blood turns to water to mend the wall
Neonate strength will be worth not to build the wall,
Without grey hairs' blood,
As libations to stand the wall,
The strength in tot pens cry,
Gazing ,seeing died vision tiring our missions,
Mute remain game of wise pens,
Buccavity in heavy flames,
Watching to seeing soon the end game of ugly war.

This wall must not fall,
For if it falls pens fall,
Blood and sudor of the great-grey pens mustn't fall,
Spirit behind inks brain must not kiss gravewall,
As tears run down neonate's pains,
Like water fall of Africa.

Please flag up the red card.
Here comes the right time please count the red card,
Mute not oh green land!
Please bring out the red card,
Brouhaha in pain,
Calling for strong wall,
Thee,let's knife this ugly war.

© IsaacD-nk