

Sisters ❤️
In life's tapestry woven with care,
Sisters, a bond beyond compare.
Older and younger, hand in hand,
A journey of love, forever grand.

**For the Older Sister:**

In the book of memories, pages unfold,
An older sister, a heart of gold.
Guiding with wisdom, a steady light,
In the dance of life, you make it bright.

With grace and strength, you pave the way,
Through trials and triumphs, come what may.
A mentor, a friend, through thick and thin,
In your embrace, a haven to begin.

**For the Younger Sister:**

In the garden of youth, a bloom so fair,
A younger sister with dreams to wear.
Eyes filled with wonder, a spirit free,
In your laughter, the melody of glee.

Growing beside, like a flower unfurls,
Through laughter and tears, and twirls.
A bond that deepens, as time goes by,
Together, we reach for the limitless sky.


Sisters, a symphony of love's sweet song,
In each other's hearts, we all belong.
Older and younger, side by side,
A journey of love, an eternal guide.