

“ We're Killing Her ”

She's beyond perfect,
the World we inhabit.
The reason why we still
breathe the fresh air,
Which is now mixed
with toxic and despair.

Her generosity to let us live
gave us shelter, fill our needs
In turn, her people concur
her with greed.

Slowly, she is getting restless
for she was killed multiple times.
Trees and animals that once
in harmony among us
Are now going extinct,
Crumbling into dust.

Her beauty, tainted
with the industry's smoke
The once crystal ocean
dumped by humans waste.
How people became so deaf
to hear the pleading cries of grief
and soon realize when destruction came to wake us from our mistakes.

She's slowly dying and
we all know the responsible
Now we're praying to be saved
from all of these trouble.

The worst is there's no exemption.
We all suffer from the sin people has caused that lead us in this situation.
For all things happens for a reason
Let's just face it with faith
that soon we will meet salvation.

© jyannu
*note: Save mother earth !!!
#nature #poetry #writing #faith