

As the night draws near,
And I reflect on days past,
I try not to shed a single tear.
To everyone else, a broad smile is cast.
Yet deep down,
My heart is but a frown;
I'm all alone in this lonesome world.
I used to genuinely smile;
Happiness wasn't luxury then,
But the little I had of it was taken by men.
They took away all traces of joy, peace, tranquillity;
My wonderful life now spoils to greed.
Now I sit here by my lonesome self,
Trying to figure out the essence of my being.
The truth, I now realize is
That there's something still left to achieve.
There's something still left to hope for.
So no longer will I wallow in self-pity;
For now, I look up to my God,
And know that there'll be a brighter tomorrow.
© inconspicuous_