

A Fish Of Scarlet And Amber
A fish of scarlet and amber ascends with ethereal grace,
Its elongated body adorned with iridescent scales,
That dance with a kaleidoscope of colors,
Propels itself upwards with a surge of energy.

Driven by an unyielding desire to transcend the watery realms, the fish leaps,
Its sleek form cutting through the water's surface with an almost avian agility,
As it soars towards the boundless expanse above.

The fish seems to embody an indomitable spirit,
Its every movement imbued with a longing to reach the celestial heights,
Like a fiery phoenix rising from the depths, it pierces through the shimmering barrier,
Its tail fin fluttering like a delicate wing as if aspiring to touch the elusive blue yonder.

Art: Freepik
© Lai Montes