

Face fears!
Learn to face your fears and take back your control, fear is a gift given to help cleans the dirt on your filthy soul collected after so many years of going through sphycology being broken den and built back up again takes it's tole on your mind body and soul, but alot of it is to better us and strengthen us for what's ahead for battles we knew yet never seen,are revealed now and it's not just a game, get with God and let him show you the way he has chosen you to go and the roles youll learn we've all played in this life we were given long ago yet our ancestors failed they lost the game, so now it's our turn to change a thing or two and hopefully get back to who we were created to be lovers not fighters everything we were given they might have broken this generation I say we fight back and become the real us that we all crave to be the best version of us that we could be, we are not Adam and eve but we can sure mend it by doing our parts in gaining back our spots that were truly mean to be ours and live life right and nomore wrong ,God says let his light shine through us for others to see he's here as well and it'll be ok just come back to the light and fight fight fight and when u have found ur balance in good and bad is when you are free from the demon that's been inside your head feeding all along hoping the sin ud carry on and he would stay, but even though he's been ur best friend for so so long cause he's the only thing that no matter what his ass held on,and held you close when u were weak,yet remember if it wasn't for them uf never been that way , God wanted your beauty to shine, but those demons that clinge to us are miserable with themself for what they have done and plan on dragging you along in misery with them but make it great so that when the day comes they remember the good as well and will walk through the fires and gates of hell with you to get back to heaven and be released from a prison of they're very own!
© Kimmy Bain