

If loving you was a crime, I would gladly serve my time.
For your love is worth more than any prison walls,
And I would never regret falling for you, even if it cost me all.
For your smile lights up my world, and your laugh is like a melody,
I'd spend a lifetime in jail, just to have you here with me.
I know you may think I'm crazy, to say these words so bold,
But I'm not afraid to say it, even if it's not the norm.
For my love for you is real, it's not some game ..
It's the greatest thing I've ever known, and it's worth any pain.
It's like a dream come true, a story yet to unfold,
A journey we can take together, wherever the road may go.
It's a promise I will keep, through good times and the bad,
I'll stand by your side, through the happy and the sad.
I may not have the words to fully express how I feel,
But I hope my actions will show you my love is real."

Omah 🔐📌
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