

Mom will go for deep sleep
Write a poem that includes at least five from the ten words given: (You can use more words of your choice to complete.)
Wish, desire, heart, star, reflection, smile, existence, behold, serene, warmth.

Your smile touch my heart
Hey my little star,
Your existence give relief
Hey my baby star.
Your Dad is busy in work
I am lying for my sick
Don't make noise and fun
Be good my Baby star.
finish your homework
Take your dinner
Go to sleep after brush
Hey, baby little star.
I wish,only your happiness
I wish, you will get everything
My blessing all time for you
You are my only child star.
Hey little star, Don't be sad
I have to die because of cancer
But l will live in your smile
When you miss me a lot
Behold my hand in imagination
You will feel reflection of
No cry baby,smile in face keep
Mom will go for deep sleep.