

why did you leave without saying goodbye

Deliciae! O! Deliciae? Sum Deliciae?
I wish you'd tell me where you are...
These dark walls are growing colder in your absense
For even our chrysanthemums are sprouting in a colorless ambience.
I loath this lifelessness drifting in these empty rooms
And I've tried everything, even spraying it with your perfumes
But there is no duplicate monochromatic delight of your presence
For even my memories of you are losing its essence

Amica, amica mea, ubi tu?
Why do you vanish like you always do?
amica, amica ubi O Vos?
This love I have is changing to remorse

I am forgetting your voice and those sweet, sweet horrendous whispers
And I am forgetting your touch, even your drowning kisses
Deliciae, O! So sudden had you vanished
You have strangled my heart with the rope of anguish

Why did you leave, why did you say no goodbye
Deliciae, nobodies perfect, but why wouldn't you try?
Why did you run and why haven't you returned?
My love, my soul is dying aren't you concerned?

Amica, amica mea, ubi tu?
Why do you vanish like you always do?
amica, amica mea, carrissime noli me vade!
But you've left me here stranded... You never were there.

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