

My Social Life’s A Mess
I used to know someone from class,
They’d always swear at me and tease me,
Try to show off and flex,
I got into a bit of trouble because of them.

I also know someone who I used to like,
My friends liked them at first,
Before eventually not liking them,
So I broke up with them because I didn’t think it through.

I used to text someone,
We texted quite a bit and it was nice,
Until I ruined it by saying something,
Now it feels awkward and like it’ll never be the same again.

I’m having friendship troubles too,
I’m too shy and nervous to utter a single word,
I felt to nervous to talk so I stopped hanging out with them,
So I started to go to the library every day instead and eat my lunch on the bus,
It felt nice but it feels like I know it’ll end soon.

My parents think next year will be better,
I hope their right but I don’t know if it will,
There’s always a Plan B if it doesn’t though, right?
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