Thou'rt Th' Only W'man That Keeps Me Aflame!
And the most truly loved will be held dear
I'm wait'n for her pretty smile to appear
No one's bett'r than the lass that stays the same
This beautiful lass is the one who came
She's the sweet'st and most benevolent sum
And she's the one who saved this foolish crumb
She wouldn't ev'n take a single day's pay!
Her auspicious love is with me each day
I do exalt her xtrordin'ry might!
She's my d'vine queen that does everything right
And I'm her flame, I have so much to give
Yes! She's the main reason why I still live
My am'rous words are honest. And soon aye
Will propose to her under the blue sky.
And as my precious love for her grows aye
Will do anything to always r'main nigh
She's the loveliest damsel that I've found!
I am in awe of her...
And the most truly loved will be held dear
I'm wait'n for her pretty smile to appear
No one's bett'r than the lass that stays the same
This beautiful lass is the one who came
She's the sweet'st and most benevolent sum
And she's the one who saved this foolish crumb
She wouldn't ev'n take a single day's pay!
Her auspicious love is with me each day
I do exalt her xtrordin'ry might!
She's my d'vine queen that does everything right
And I'm her flame, I have so much to give
Yes! She's the main reason why I still live
My am'rous words are honest. And soon aye
Will propose to her under the blue sky.
And as my precious love for her grows aye
Will do anything to always r'main nigh
She's the loveliest damsel that I've found!
I am in awe of her...