

KM's Unsaid Love: part_29 ("Timelines Intertwined")
Title of Part Twenty-Nine:
KM's Unsaid Love: "Timelines Intertwined"

*My exam starts at 10.30, a journey in time,*
*Ends at 1.30, a rhythm, a poetic rhyme.*
*With two questions left to inscribe,*
*At 12.00, a moment to imbibe.*

I have one and a half hours to unfold,
*A narrative of knowledge, a story to be told.*
*Starting near her, where time stands still,*
*She writes so fast, a pen's skill.*

As she swiftly moves, I witness the art,
*With a sub-book in hand, she plays her part.*
*Me, wasting moments in her presence,*
*In the shared hours, love's essence.*

Stay tuned for more, as the tale persists,
*In "KM's Unsaid Love," where the heart persists.*
© KM.Pradhosh