

A long time ago,
I was told
That Id never fit in
Never succeed
Never prosper
Never make it
Never win
That I wasn’t welcome
That being me was just wrong
That I didn’t matter
I didn’t belong
I may be crazy
You may think I’m dumb
But I've always danced to the beat
Of my own drum
Ill be true to me
Just be
No matter the cost
Just remember
Not all who wander
Are truly lost
Ill never get ahead
I’m never gonna win
Just being me
Is my original sin
So, I seem broken
My life a mess
But that depends on how
You define success
They tell you to stay in line
Mind your place
But I wake up every morning
With a smile on my face
I could care less bout the games
We’re supposed to all play
What rules we’re to follow
What norms to obey
Id rather weird
Be loud and stand out
Then nervous
And anxious
And riddled with doubt
I could care less
I don’t give damn
If there’s one thing I’m sure of
It’s who that I am
I can be happy
In this mortal shell
I’ve been through so much
I’ve walked through hell
But Ill never gave in
I refused to stop
Even if I never
Come out on top
Ill fight to the last
Just for the right to exist
I own my past
Ill thrive, ill resist
Ill ignore lies
I refuse to be anything else
Ill just be me
Stay true to myself
All these battles
The struggles I’ve fought
I’ve always remembered
You’re only as free, as strong
As your thoughts
We build these prisons
In our minds
Of who we are
How we’re defined
We let other convince us
Of who we should be
How we should think
How we should see
Life’s to short
To not be true
There’s too much
To lose
To not just be you
It's you who decides
How your battles are won
When you push onWhen the battle is done
At the end of the day
Through the pain
The regrets
All the stress
You’re the only person
You should strive to impress
Everything you’ve overcome
All you’ve been through
In the end
All you need
All you have
Is you
I have nothing to prove
To this society
And I’m truly happy
Just being me
We don’t get to choose
The hand that we’re dealt
In the end all that matters
Is loving yourself
So, no matter what happens
What dreams my come
Follow your heart
Be happy
And dance to your drum...
© Elizabeth Moore