

I'm better
I'm sitting right next you,
we're holding hands,
in unison, we perfectly mesh,
an illusion similar to an illustration,
all that madness, the crooked lies mingled within your own lies,
too scared to admit but don't even know what's stopping you,
I'm right here, within reach, perceptible,
this isn't a dream yet you seem to treat it as such,
I understand that much,
I know you think can break me,
my smile you're trying so hard to wipe away, trying so hard to take,
I wouldn't even call it 'love' anymore, it's something toxic and fake,
the tears you're trying to expose, digging out my imperfections,
I'm sorry but I will never let you win, don't act as you're the one who's in tension,
I'm sorry but I'm not what you think. I'm not even going to finish this poem,
cause I can't hold in my vomit after mentioning you,
just want to let you know, I'm better
I'm better to not have caused a scene at everything I do,
better to have realised that you meant nothing of this,
that you didn't do this for me, for us,
this was for you the insecure loser,
the sore snooze,
I'm better,
get that authoritative attitude thrown away before I come for you,
you need to know,
that I'm not as nice and innocent as you think I am,
so learn to accept defeat you lousy replica of a mere wanna be,
you need to see,
I'm better