

Ah, Bonnie and Clyde,
We were reliving their romance,
Together we could accomplish anything,
Romeo and Juliet,
That was us before ego came in,
Pride made itself at home in our relationship,
Peace found the room crowded and left,
Love felt lonely without peace so she also left,
Harmony said she found somewhere else to go,
And that became the end of what we know,
It was just you,pride,ego and I left there,
It was toxic,
We were a pair of rusted scissors,
When exposed to the reality of our relationship,
We turned into dust and blew away,
I'm glad it's all over,
We were messed up and couldn't help each other,
We were young,
We still are,
I hope you find another piece,
A piece that will complete you,
A piece that will bring out the best in you,
A piece when put together,will make a pair of the shiniest scissors ever seen,
A piece you'll hold on to forever,
A piece that will never leave.

#movingon #scissors