

Promises ocean deep,
But never to keep,
Someday I would like to meet,
My 16 year old self and say see I m not weak,
Then in the same bedroom i will sneak,
And will cry myself to sleep,
Isn't that sweet that I wanna weep,
But I can't because now I m on my feet,
Into my neighbours window I still peep,
All they can say is what a freak,
And everything will repeat,
Than I will get drunk and tweet ,
That twitter will itself delete,
Isn't that sweet,
I will come back again on your street,
Told myself not to do it , but I m a cheat,
And I will write until my hand will bleed,
Hoping that my stories, people would read,
I m so made up of greed,
Hoping the tree would grow as soon as I will plant seed,
No one ever told me nothing Grows with such speed,
Yet again I had to learn everything by myself indeed.