

Beautiful Experiences | Loving Experiences
In this world, deserving nothing,
I long to taste it all, to feel it sing.
Lost hours, mind wandering, for naught,
Instead of the knowledge I should have sought.

To waste time on things of little worth,
To let the mind wander, explore the earth,
The most valuable lessons I would spurn,
In favor of transient pleasures I yearn.

What's worth more, these random delights,
Or the lengthened love that a heart ignites?
In between the question, I find solace sweet,
As time passes, my understanding as deep.

Repetition, like a haunting refrain,
In cycles, we live, in cycles, we wane.
The passage of time, a somber song,
Echoes of our lives, cold and forlorn.

A macabre dance, a tableau of despair,
A symphony of darkness, a chilling affair.
Dramatic language, like whispers in the night,
A melody of horror, a thrilling delight.

Equal words per line, an eerie hymn,
A cadence sinister, a rhythm grim.
In the realm of the mysterious and unknown,
I find solace, in darkness, I've grown.

To deserve nothing may be true,
But in experiencing all, I find something new.
For in the pursuit of transient dreams,
I uncover the essence of what life means.
© NightSwimThePoet