

100 Proof Love Potion
It's half passed midnight,
I'm writing you next to candlelight,
trying to gain some clarity,
or at least, some insight.
I've burdened countless sheets of paper, heavy, with emotion...
I'll read it 3 times over and toss it,
Never able to express,
the depth, of my devotion...
Now I lay here lovesick drunk,
off this 100 proof love potion.
Any excuse to lose my sanity to overwhelming emotion.
Morning drawing closely,
you can hear chirping birds,
I feel like I'm lost at sea, trying to find the right words.
Now I'm too late,
the words have all blended
and they have blurred,
and dont bother asking me now,
because my words will be slurred.

-Lacey Alyssa
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