

onward and upward
beyond great horizon spread
floats kingdom of seven
cardinal sins’ choir dread

sweet organization of chaos
sour symphony of dreams
beloved weavers of maladies
dutifully ripping apart seams

scene cleared of inquiries
dining table laiden with silk
broken music floating listlessly
secret chalices brim poison milk

dinner spread, each dish extensive
slaughtered beast thwarted, turned asunder
her boiling entrails removed, stomach split
yet crimson blood still pools from under

bound with velvet rope, chains and iron
wrists bloodied, tightly strapped with leather
you’re their guest now at long oak table
eternal locked embrace, arms of a feather

so put your biggest grin on wide
and hold your head up to celestial heavens
for when the bell tolls and midnight strikes
you’ve just feasted with cardinal sin’s sevens

© Graveyard Grace