

What is Friendship
A bond,where without saying anything you are understood,in absence of your mom❤️
A bond, where you get full motivation in making decision when you miss your dad🥰
A bond just like mine with my sister, fighting at 10 AM and sleeping at each other's lap at 10:15😘
A bond exactly like mine with my brother, irrititating all the time and gives you a full fledge lecture because loves you unconditionally😚

I agree that no one can take place of our family but our friends are a cocktail of our family members and their nature.... because just like our mom,they know how moody we are and sometimes how hard to handle, just like our father they understand by our expressions what we want to eat and just like our siblings fights with us on everything but when it comes on our safety then they are ready to fight with the world

# Dedicated to all my buddies 👭👭👭
Thanks for making life worth living ❤️
Love you all