

Empty Head, Whispering
She loves and hates him
(Just as she loves and hates herself)

To forget
To be clear
She's not angry at him
She just needs to give her mind
A rest from thinking about him
(Embrace the nothing)

A poem possibly built on
A poignant reminder
About the outside
Of paper thin doors
Improper standards
Under-prepared for the tornado
Raping the crumpled stairs and unkempt furniture

The prospect of something
The propriety of someone's faith
Under siege
Underneath pitfalls
Understanding nothing
Trying to untrain the eye
But failing
Because it so desperately seeks
What it cannot stand on
What it cannot show itself in its mirror
Because the mirror broke
Along with the dream

But it's fine
It only stings
(At least)
Without warning
The turbulence rushes inside
The chest
The chips
Upside down
Hanging around
Like a parachute

Like these words, typed without substance

Like the same quiet song

Like it's always being shown
The background falling out of time
With the forward movement of ramping symbols
Crushing the windpipe
Just another soundtrack to yourself
A selection of your greatest hits
With some of them replacing your own fears

With desires
For perfect pitch
Or a handcrafted love seat
Ten percent of you, at least

© Joe W.D.