

The divine soul of light
who passed the enlightenment and insights
I bow down to your feet
For creating peace and integrity

The practice of humility, compassion and truth
You made us realize what is missing in our life
One's happiness is within inside
Let's celebrate life with gratitude and being kind

The chants in the monastery gives me pleasure of being alone
I feel I found myself
Which keeps me healing everytime

I embrace myself by your teachings
Finding new in everyday of learnings
I inspire myself to enjoy single moment of this life
This is truth ,which keeps me alive

My dharma is you , I practice you
I recall you by meditating quite
I am transforming from who I was
To who I should be

My lord , the eternal faith and believe
You poured in this darkest of life
With these truth of universe
I am breathing in my life

A smile , calmness and pateince I see
which reminds me to rejoice and live fully
You are courage and strength
Accept my gratitude in form of my prayerfullness