

The Night
The blackness of the night pulls me in,
An addiction I should want to be free of.
It scares me yet attracts me and I can't stop myself from wanting more.

I love walking alone through the quiet streets
A ghost town with no person to be seen or a car to be heard.
It feels like freedom.
It feels like peace.

The rush of adrenaline at the slightest noise.
The confidence to truly be myself.
The urge to release the animal inside that grows by the second.
The moon that follows my every move and the effervescent, enchanting beauty of the stars.
The night makes me feel alive, every sense heightened.

Fantasies of werewolves and vampires,
The occult and demonic.
A realm of imagination where anything is possible and consequences don't exist.
Possibilities are endless...
But only till dawn.

© julia_writes