

To RIP is termed as rest in peace
To RIP is associated with death
To RIP is a conception that is formed for burials

T-RIP is something obscene
T-RIP makes no sense
T-RIP is obscure

This is because there is no meaning
To the dulling eyes and sleeping ears
For it looks like a painted distorted acronym

But with a tainted lens
We could see the dainty images
That could be shouted if we were a bit observant

TRiP simply means To RIP
RIP that part off
Burn it in incense

Parts of life aren't meant to be held like glue
They are meant to be ripped after careful analysis
For healing to foster

A foster child can't run
But he can leap with precision
While guarding that thought of his

Living in the past help none
It is likened to a spiderweb that entangled
Till no escape is found

To know which part to keep
To know which part to hide
To know which part to divide

That's the key to living
To RIP isn't awful
But a powerful tool

TRIP always

© favody