

I am a MAN
I am a MAN.
Pink is my favorite color.
I love cooking.
I am good at household work.
I buy sanitary pads for my mom, sister, and wife.
I don't spy on my sister.
I don't check my wife's mobile.
I know my wife's past relationships, and I respect those.
My wife's income is twice mine,
Neither do I restrict nor allow my wife's choices; it's completely her life.
I don't kiss my wife unless she permits me. If she says NO, I respect her words.
The number of children we want depends on my wife's decision.
My wife supports her parents financially. It is her responsibility.
I discuss everything with my wife and my parents and consider their suggestions.
I respect women.
I am not a gentleman, I am a MAN.
© Shilpa Rani@02