

That little moments
that makes life worth living,
the sunshine,, the sky that
colours in beautiful colors
when the evening falls,
a little child that's laughing at you
Kind words just when you needed them
Enjoy what you do, and live your life
in freedom, having the opportunity to do what you love to do.
Happiness lies within you
Don't let others take your joy in living
your life away to try to rule your mind,
stay close to yourself and stay who you really are, take distance from people who pretend to like you but secretly pulling you down. You are just you, accept yourself and don't feel guilty about it,
you don't have to be the way others want you to be
You have your own way to look at life, don't allow that others don't take you the way that you are, be yourself and love yourself so that others can live you and you can live others.Be happy with the little things, unexpected luck and feelings of just being satisfied.Stay in real life and give changes a try,discover new things don't make your life a lie.
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