

Self discovery
I once thought that that my mind was too crowded,
Packed full with nonsense and trash
Like a hoarders deep seeded cry for help
Underneath all the layers of trauma and pain
Were trinkets of memories still intact.
Those savory, joyful times withstood the madness
Second by second I cleansed my soul,
By forgiving all my demons, and letting them go.
Here I am, stripped down to bare bones
With scars that tell tales, only few will know.
Take caution with my chest, for it's still weak
My heart does beat, but it's rythm is meek
It's learning to love only me.
My veins twist and wind, like ancient roots
Even when in full sprint, I am grounded
Connected to the wind, the fire and water,
While earth lets me carve out my own path
I am alive, and no longer just surviving
This is what it feels like to be living
This is what it means to be me

© Aren