

They say seven,
is something perfect.
And seven times something,
makes it worth it.

Its true you know,
what they say.
because these seven boys
took my heart away.

I met them quite late,
by then they were at the top.
But once I got to know them,
I thought, ' I hope they never stop.'

Three years since then,
my breath is still taken away.
Enchanting beats and rhythms.
You cannot leave, only stay.

Words better than poetry.
Words I wouldn't believe otherwise.
Movement that takes over countries,
a sound that makes my pulse rise.

Something special each has,
nothing luxurious they had.
But today they removed from people,
Everything that is sad.

Bringing people together,
Through music they are preaching.
A mutual love for their admirers,
Everyday, they are teaching.

Yes, they are bulletproof.
They save those who are pained.
Those boys are known as Bangtan,
and deserve everything they've gained.

© AquarianAce