

Love found me
Like cottons and
fibre knitted together
So our hearts intertwined
like inseparable roots
of a redwood tree
Our minds connect
from far promply
when I smell the scent
of your body
Seeing your bright face
brightens my heart
making it to jump
up and down,in an
uncontrollable manner
Oh how lucky I am
to be madly in love
with you

Flash and lights
Sparkles and diamonds
on the sky
Red velvet rose petals
falling down from
the sky
I am the unique lady
of the moment
The king of heart gets
close and even closer
His eyes starring right
into my iris
I then knew I have
found my heart keeper

He held my tiny hand
Asked me how have
I been
I couldn't control how
wide my smiles got
I'm dangerously in love
He finally lets me know
how he feels about me
With butterflies on
my stomach,I couldn't
believe that moment
Should I whoop first?
I stretched my arms
to him
"You and I,together,
till eternity"
I said blushing as I
face the ground

During that extraordinary
moment again
While we were still
caught up by the warmth
of our sweet words
Tiny rain drops fell
down on us
The rain coming from
Made me jubilant
It all felt like a paradise
for the rain gives me
assurance that our
loved is blessed by
the omniscient one above

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