

always do good
And good will come to you.

I sat in prison for a while. 3 years to be exact. Everyday the same. Always on my bunk. Not interested in telivision. If some one wronged me or argued I always turn the other cheek and never lifted my hands. If someone put there hand on me I didn't lift mine back, and I made it home doing right and I made it home alive but not with a lot left in me. I don't have a lot of life left i feel it was drained everyday on those metal bunks or on the floor. I made it home alive bairly. Now I k ow not to ever go there again,and to do right and work and do my own thing and live my life right. And be a good role model. Always remember self respect. I've had a psychotic break from my dad passing and I am still working and functioning in life. That's the one good thing even when I m tired I still go to work. I don't commit wrong. Because I never want that experience again. So I'm a functioning skitzophrenic now. And all I. Can do is to pick myself back up again and get back on my feet. Don't ever let anyone tell you, that you are worthless or that life don't matter, because it does. I know if I'm worthless to someone else I'm priceless to me.