

A mockery of unwanted intruders
Feeling sad with the words so bad,
But the time is to add rather be mad.

So, I laughed aloud without being allowed,
Eww....this fakeness around, still I'm with my victory's shroud

I climb the chair for the crowd to hear,
"Hello! hear, hear, as per you all, I'm on my family's name a smear"

They unheard my voice, which left me no choice
Thus created huge noise by raising my voice

“I'm proud amidst this busy crowd,
Hear it loud, I'll make my family proud.

Blunders I committed made me felt the thunder
The thunder of real life, not the one which you all plunder.

What's wrong if I'm different from throngs?
In this journey so long, I dealt all odds with motives strong.

My mistakes never asked for your takes,
Rather the snakes inside your mouth are revealing your fakeness so fake.

Better be aware; spitting poison—don't you dare
Don't you dare, I know I ain't a smear

I myself can handle, all my wildest of scandals,
Even the void skull looks better than your fakeness so dull.”

All silence with faces unkind
I stood happy emptying my mind
All the blemishes, encountered, & left behind
Light heart, unburdened today, now let's rewind.
© Literaria