

I like to keep a note
I like to keep a note
of how I feel at different times
Today has been a tricky one
It started well
no pressures
no obligations
but then after the siesta
I felt lost
I missed my family so much
being so far away
but I tried to smile
and I knew I'd
see them
not quite yet but in a while

We went to the shops
to buy things for the home
and then the children's voices
and the children's clothes and toys
made me want to shed a tear
I just wished that I could
feel the joy of having
my family
the sparkle of my grandkids near

And now the day is nearly over
and soon I'll be asleep
I hope tomorrow
I will not feel so sad
at missing everyone
I might not feel such guilt
at leaving them behind
I might just think
it's ok to feel the Summer sun
in my Autumn days
I'm just away a short time
and missing makes
the heart grow fonder
of the gift of life and everyone

© Lola

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