

Being a Woman...
Being a woman is patience,
Being a woman is kindness,
Resilience and stubborness... But only when required.
A woman is hot fire that feels warm and doesn't burn...
She can overheat when turned up, maybe even  spark... But she never truly burns...
Compassion is inevitable, lots of compassion... Even to those who dagger you...
Many times you'll be sold bullshit and you'll have to buy it,
But even if you buy the bullshit, don't loose your receipt!
Being a woman is hard today and easy tomorrow... Its a confusing experience...
A woman is elegance, organized chaos, heart... A whole lot of it, heart...
Being a woman is being soft and hard at the same time,
Being a woman is absolute sanity today and mania tomorrow...
Being a woman is beautiful.... A total experience!

© A. S. Adaora