

The Rules
It's perfectly okay for a 12 year old African American girl to sell herself on the streets.

It's not okay to teach her to conjugate a verb.

It's perfectly okay for a 15 year old African American girl to stick a needle in her arm.

It's not okay for her to "long" to learn Shakespear.

It's is perfectly okay for teachers and professors to laugh at her and ridicule her and not speak to her as she struggles to walk through the halls of higher learning.

It's not okay for her to dream and want what everyone on Earth wants: a life of prosperity, peace and accomplishment.

It's perfectly okay for a 20 year old African American woman to live under a tree in Central Park because she's lazy and frivolous and doesn't deserve welfare. She's a criminal because she did not have a father.

It's not okay for the teachers and professors not to walk by her and smile politely and say: "Good morning dear, how are you? You are a good person because you have followed our rules."

It's perfectly okay for the teachers and professors of America to only accept failure for these women.

It's not okay to break the rules; in the end, they gangbang her and receive awards. The champions of her destruction are all wonderful and well-loved.

It's perfectly okay for black professors to teach African American women that they are unworthy, undeserving, and unfitting to die a natural death.

It's not okay to tell the truth.

It's perfectly okay to suffer The Rules!

The Rules are the true "Pedagogy of the Oppressed."

© China Clark