

"My Lasting Ecstasy"

Rowing our the waves,
seeing clear water below your days,
I thought the flowers of the
road still kept blooming.

We traveled a lot and lot,
whelve ourselves with secrets and treasures,
you took half of my mind and memory,
you let me write poetries
about you and our whimsical journey,

My Salad days with you are fresh,
I thought it would last for a forever.

What was this decry from Heaven?
Are we a Catchlight that fades in night without a light?

Suffering everywhere on my veins
and nerves,
And then I saw you,

Inbetween my lacuna,
I saw you as my filling
we had memories of dawn
yet I feared that you
just a dusk like the before.

You lasted still long,
you showed me different paths
of flowers parks and ocean shells,

You're a different form of love
who lasted long.

You showed me, it's not about whom
we traveled long, but who are still
in our destination.

We took the destination,
where there's no fear of journey
we sat, slept and smiled
and talk together without leaving
each other's Arms.

"You're my Lasting Ecstasy,
Life isn't with whom you
travelled a lot by memories,
But whom your Soul Stays with Love"

© Isai