

A Letter To My Fam
I set candles light them up
put it on highest point where the entire world can see
Your light still lives one inside me,
I carry it on my shoulder and no it's not a burden
it's a blessing.

I said I dedicate this day, every year, to y'all
I write my letters put in a balloon and let it rise above the very skies
To the place where all of you reside And that's in heavens gate

You all have a piece of me and I have a piece of each and everyone of you.
I wish I could drop flowers at your graves say my prayers and share a drink with y'all
I would pour it down on your tombstone and say long live the warriors of the untold battle.
I wish I could get to see each and everyone you
We probably get tattoos of each other signatures or go sky diving until we hit rock bottom.

The world's dark, darker than before
I wish I could come and join y'all
but not until I know I leave this world better for the rest of us. Till then I need to stay
But keep a spot for me alright and don't let the party end until I arrive
I love each and every single one you

Your boy Nic
June 13
© Nic