

The path to success
The path to greatness is paved with strife,
With obstacles and challenges at every turn of life,
It requires grit and determination to make it through,
To push past the pain and see the goal anew.

The journey is long and the road is rough,
With moments of doubt and times when it's tough,
But those who persevere and never give in,
Will find the strength to rise and begin again.

For every failure is an opportunity to learn,
To hone your skills and make a better turn,
To push yourself harder and aim for the prize,
To chase your dreams with open eyes.

So when life gets hard and the going gets tough,
Remember that you are made of stronger stuff,
And every hardship is just a stepping stone,
To help you achieve what you've always known.

That with hard work and persistence, you can go far,
And reach the heights of your brightest star,
The hardships you face are just a part of the game,
And the victory you seek is well within your aim.