

You're Gone ??
Everyone says it will get better, I think not.
It's been exactly 621 days and if anything it onlys feels worse.
I still recall the feel of your arms around me, the sound of laughter and the glint in your eyes.
Sometimes I find myself gazing at my phone, anticipating your call something that won't be happening.
Once again I stand by the door, waiting but it hits me and suddenly I'm walking on hot coals but freezing at the same time.
I've been waiting for the tears to come, for the moment when I finally snap..... Nothing.
How long ? How long before I finally accept this painful reality ?
You're not coming back and no amount of longing will change that.
Everyone says I'll be fine but I know I won't.
How do I possibly go on living when the only person who made me feel alive was you ?
When you died I died with you.

© @NatalieChilikwela

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