

color... her.... his....
she doesn't know she is happy....
she is also involved somewhere without her knowing....
they say its her color....
but she is bumb in her own color....
someone has come.... unaware of her....
taking a color of his own....
they say the colors of the two will mix.. unaware of them...
but she doesn't want to....
the color makes her want to preserve her...
she may have liked his color...
but thats exactly what she wants with him...
she is not afraid of the new color mixed in....
she just doesn't want to lose the old color....
thats why her push continues. ....
which is what makes her uncomfortable...
her color.... his color... new color....
she is fascinated by that colors...
she doesn't know she likes it...
she doesn't know she is happy....
........ Ady.....