

When I'm back
I left the house to a world unfamiliar to me
I left the house to a jungle I knew not
I left the house to where I have no hope
I left the house to an island of struggling
I left the house to find a greener pasture
I left the house to bring back good news
I left the house to face the world
I left the house to meet my needs
I left the house to satisfy my lover (Peace)
I left the house to feed my mum ( Regina)
I left the house to help my sibling ( Esther)
I left the house because I have to leave
I left the house because I have to pay my bills
I left the house because I have to pay her bill
I left the house because I've to pay mum's bill
I left the house to build a world with my name on it for history to document.
I left the house because I never love where I was.
I left the house because, I wanted to become a man of my own.

Now the place I went to is not entertaining anymore, pains and suffer is all I see, tears becomes our daily bread but God came and show us hope from our hopelessness.

I knew mum do pray for his beloved son
I know Peace Edoho has been kneeing for my sake.
I knew my little sister could ask God questions if anything bad should happened to me.
I knew you ( anonymous) will ask why him.
I knew friends would realize I was the best friend in their life.

I know you are all wanting and waiting to see me soon.
I know my mum wish to hug me once and again
I know my sister is looking at the road to run and take my bag into the house as usual.
as for Peace Edoho, hmm!!
She is desperately prospecting to tell me DO 'YOU LIKE IT' once again
She is wanting to SAY PLEASE EAT, even when I'm not hungry.
I know my dad is waiting to dare me to do what no man on earth can't do.
I know he is waiting to tell me stories of how men became men.


When I Am Back!!!

I will knee down and Tell God

Thank You, its was you.

I will tell my mum, I love you
I will tell my sister, I missed you


I will hold Peace Edoho hands and wishper
to her,


After all these I will dine with my family and share the goodies I brought home.

I will stroll with Peace in the dawn till the missed is gone. then she will look into my eyes and say,