

Self-care days
Everyone needs occasional pampering,
A focus on maintaining, rejuvenating, and spoiling thy self.
The day doesn't have to be spent in a salon or a shopping mall.
Nor a barber's chair while getting a hair cut, being groomed without a care.
Money doesn't have to be spent, but you should do things you enjoy, no need to waste money for rent.
Start by accepting the fact that you're burnt out,
take the day off from work, let them figure things out.
Begin the day with a nice, warm shower,
A thorough lather,
Non-scented or scented,
I gather.
Wash your beautiful face, exfoliate for youth's sake.
Brush your teeth and style your hair,
in your favorite "do" that brings confidence, not fear.
When you're done, you can prep for a home-cooked meal,
It should be somewhat healthy, the fuel your body needs.
Not fast food, but something real.
Care to make your favorite desert?
Cakes, cookies, a yogurt?
Make sure to wear an apron,
don't mess up that shirt.
By time that's done, you can watch a movie.
Tune into Netflix, Hulu, even Tubi.
Or what about putting on your favorite tune, and dance around like a loon who's flipped, because it's a full moon?
Self-care, you see,
doesn't have to be fancy.
Do what makes you happy,
don't forget to rest also!
If not, you'll be cranky.

© artisticdreamsss