

The Broken Dream
by Tushar

She blamed herself to be born as a girl child,
Her dreams were thrashed during her childhood times,
She had the potential to pursue her dreams,
But she had something in her mind that always taunted her,
She skipped those sleepy nights,
Her mind was somewhere stuck,
she finally found out the reason for all her problems,
That was her fear,
Which never existed around her but in her own belief,
She never lived her own life because of the pressure of societies restrictions,
Which never made her feel the FREEDOM in her own place.
So she decided to break the barriers,
She loved studying and later convinced her father to study further,
Today she is living her life,
which she dreamt off many years ago,
This is all because of her courage to follow her dreams,
no matter how the negative people may pull you down by their words,
Always rise and shine,
This is the message given by many strong women around the world.

A small poem to all those girls out there, this is a reminder that you can also achieve your dream.
Be Decisive 🤔, Be strong 💪 , and finally BE YOURSELF🔥.
Thank you, Everyone!
#freeverse #writertushar #womenempowerment #savegirlchild #equityamonggender #poems #writcopoems
© Tusharr.thoughts