


Say the word i’ll follow,
Blindly through the darkness,
Without an anchor i’ll drift,
Flying with no harness.

I’ll love you to the end,
Though you’ve brought this pain,
Will you grieve when I'm dead?
Or will my memory fade?

Though i have loved you so,
I fear,
you have used me against,
The own things I hold dear.

Why is love so strong,
It makes me feel whole,
But as destruction rains down on me,
I feel less human,
More doll..

Love is a powerful substance,
Stronger than any drug,
But it is as dangerous as any,
So i ask,
Why do we love?

Belief is strong,
I believe in you,
Which is why,
I have always loved you.

Even when you let me down,
I trusted your choice,
But as your darkness sets in,
I find I have no voice.

Even as I scream,
Shouting out my lungs,
I can feel you control,
Grasping at my tongue

© plaaaaaant