

Miss You Grandpa
Thatha Love you and miss you
Thatha as you go away from me
I lose my best friend
I miss listening to those song compositions
You composed and sang of me

There is so much to write about you
Even if all the water in the world were to turn into ink
And I use it to write with my pen
Still it will be insufficient to write about you

I remember all the moments
That you spent with me
The walk and the talk
The sweets and the juice
You used to buy for me

The pretty fights with Ajji
Your usage of the cello tape to join broken pieces
Your jokes and your songs
All the funny moments spent with you
I will miss it forever

Your friendly conversations with the watchman
Your discussions with workers in the metro station
Your interactions with the priest at temple
You used to love and was helpful to everyone

Thatha while you are physically missing
Your memories will always remain with me forever
I will miss your voice and your smile
Yet I will always feel your presence moving around me

Just like the flow of water in river and sea can never stop
My love towards you in my heart can never stop
There is so much I want to tell you
I want to express so much that I love you
I want to tell how much everyone is remembering you

I am sorry I could not be with you during your last moments
When I saw you, it appeared you were taking a deep rest after a long journey
Having seen your tireless energy and activeness
It was difficult to imagine that you could take such a rest

When I look at the heaven in the sky
Tears roll down my cheeks
I feel like saying how much I feel your absence
Even in your absence, I can never say you Good Bye
Because I always want you to be with me
Just in the splash of a miracle
If you reappear back again
I want to tell you how much I love you and miss you
And how much I cried for your come back

Love you so much and miss you Thatha

Yours granddaughter