

'My Wish. A World I Dream'.
Oh! if I have a wish I could wish:
I wish the world to be upside down;
for a change and not a total destruction. For once on the face of the earth, I wish my wish be fulfilled;.
If the children becomes their parents and the parents become their children.
If the rich become poor and the poor become rich.
if the tall becomes short and the short becomes tall.
if the homely becomes gorgeous and the gorgeous becomes homely.
if the disabled becomes abled and the abled becomes disabled.
if the teacher becomes the student and the student becomes the teacher.
If man becomes God and God becomes man.
If the public becomes the government and the government becomes the public.
If the talented becomes untalented and the untalented becomes talented.
If man becomes woman and woman becomes man.
if the black becomes white and the white becomes black.
if the fortunate becomes unfortunate and the unfortunate becomes fortunate.
if the animals becomes human and human becomes animals.
If in a relationship, where a boy loves the girl but the girl despise the boy. If the girl becomes the boy and the boy becomes the girl.
If in a situation, a gangster and a victim. If the victim becomes the ganster and the gangster becomes the victim.
if the subject becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
If we become the resources we use and the resources becomes us.
If the weak becomes strong and the strong becomes weak.
If Christian becomes Hindu and the Hindu becomes Christian.
If the young ones become old and the old become young.
If I become you and you become me. What would you do?
What changes could be there.
Could it be better or worse.

If my wish comes true, can I wish for a world, where each difference are respected, where everyone's equal, where no man is judge by its cover but by the content of its character.
A world where they are not judged by the things they cannot altered.
A world where differences are respected and are embraced with love and peace.

My Wish.
A World I Dream

© Phenry Abonmai